Monday, 8 October 2012

Friday, 28 September 2012

Hi Friends...............

 As Almost last 30 Days Left For Face Another War {Exam}

 So we tried our Level Best to Share some Strategic tips to face Exam with Better Preparation… 
 No two people study the same way, and there is little doubt that what works for one person may not work for another. However, there are some general techniques that seem to produce good results. No one would argue that every subject that you have to take is going to be so interesting that studying it is not work but pleasure. We can only wish.     Everyone is different, and for some students, studying and being motivated to learn comes naturally. If you are reading this page, it's likely that you are not one of them, but don't despair, there is hope!    
                       Effective Study skills are about more than understanding

 Effective study skills must be practiced in order for you to improve. It is not enough to simply "think about" studying; you have to actually do it, and in the process use information from what you do to get better. This is the central idea of this page. All that follows depends on this single concept. There is a saying that goes like this: 
"Practice doesn't make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect." If you want to be an achiever, take this saying to heart.

   The value of a schedule
 Before you even begin to think about the process of studying, you must develop a schedule. If you don't have a schedule or plan for studying, then you will not have any way of allocating your valuable time when the unexpected comes up.

 A schedule saves time
 All schedules should be made with the idea that they can be revised. A good schedule keeps you from wandering off course. A good schedule, if properly managed, assigns time where time is needed, but you've got to want to do it! 

Making every hour count
 A schedule should take into account every class, laboratory, lecture, social event, and other work in which you engage.Make a weekly schedule and block off the 24 hour day in one hour increments. Indicate times for classes, labs, lectures, social, and work time. Also block off a period for sleeping each day. With what is left over , plan time for study. This gives you a rough road map of the time available. Of course, you can revise your schedule as circumstances warrant.

 When to study
 The problem of when to study is critical. A good rule of thumb is that studying should be carried out only when you are rested, alert, and have planned for it. Last minute studying just before a class is usually a waste of time. 

Studying for lecture courses
 If your study period is before the lecture class, be sure you have read all the assignments and made notes on what you don't understand. If the study period is after the lecture class, review the notes you took during class while the information is still fresh

Studying for recitation courses 
For classes that require recitation, such as foreign language, be sure to schedule a study period just before the class. Use the time to practice. Sometimes, practice with others can help sharpen your skills in a before-class study period. 

Making and revising a schedule
 Don't be afraid to revise your schedule. Schedules are really plans for how you intend to use your time. If your schedule doesn't work, revise it. You must understand that your schedule is to help you develop good study habits. Once you have developed them, schedule building becomes easier.
                                                       The Process of Study 
How to use your time
 Time is the most valuable resource a student has. It is also one of the most wasted of resources. The schedule you develop should guide you in how to allocate the available time in the most productive manner. Sticking to your schedule can be tough. Avoiding study is the easiest thing in the world.

Where to study
 You can study anywhere. Obviously, some places are better than others. Libraries, study lounges or private rooms are best. Above all, the place you choose to study should not be distracting. Distractions can build up, and the first thing you know, you're out of time and out of luck. Make choosing a good physical environment a part of your study habits.   
Thinking skills 
Everybody has thinking skills, but few use them effectively. Effective thinking skills cannot be studied, but must be built up over a period of time. Good thinkers see possibilities where others see only dead-ends. If you're not a good thinker, start now by developing habits that make you ask yourself questions as you read. Talk to other students who you feel are good thinkers. Ask them what it is they do when they think critically or creatively. Often times, you can pick up valuable insights to help you become a better thinker.

 A primary means by which you acquire information is through reading. In college you're expected to do much more reading than in high school. Don't assume just because you've "read" the assignments that is the end of it. You must learn to read with a purpose. In studying, you may read the same assignment three or four times, each time with a different purpose. You must know before you begin reading what your purpose is, and read accordingly.

 Taking Notes
 Like reading, note-taking is a skill which must be learned and refined. Almost invariably, note taking, or the lack of it, is a constant deficiency in the study methods of many high school and college students. Learning the ingredients of good note taking is rather easy; applying them to your own situation depends on how serious you are in becoming a successful student.        

 Objective Examinations   

Survey any objective examination to find out what types of questions are being asked. Surveying helps you to know what to expect. 

Knowing the Ground Rules
 Always read directions! Indicate your answers exactly the way the directions state. Make sure your answers are clear. Determine what the scoring rules for the test are and follow them to your advantage. For example, if wrong answers are penalized, don't guess unless you can reduce the choices to two.

 Answering Easy Questions First 
Answering easy (to you) questions first is the best strategy. If you stumble over difficult questions for too long a time, you may not be able to complete the exam. 

Picking out Key Words
 Objective examination questions usually contain one or more key words. A key word or group of words are those on which the truth or falsity of a statement hinges. Learn to spot the key words in the statement that define the meaning. If a statement contains two clauses, one of which is false, the whole statement is false. Usually, two-statement true-false questions are either both true or both false. 
 Reading Multiple-Choice Questions
 Multiple choice questions are essentially true-false questions arranged in groups. Usually, only one alternative is correct. Your job is to pick the alternative that is more nearly true than the others. Read multiple-choice questions the same way as for true-false. Eliminate obvious false choices.  

 Reading Other Types of Questions 
The methods used to answer true-false and multiple choice questions apply to matching questions as well. Always scan the entire list of alternatives before matching any. As in the other types of questions, try to identify key words in each list and test them. Essay Examinations Planning your time in answering essay questions is more important than in objective type tests. The general rule is not to get carried away on one or two questions to the extent that you cannot answer that other questions in the time allowed. Read through the entire examination first. Get a feel for the questions you are expected to answer. If the exam allows you to choose from a number of questions, be sure to number your answers exactly to match the questions.  

 All the Best For All  For Nov attemp

Monday, 27 August 2012

Best study tips to crack CPT in first attemp

Tips to clear CPT very easily ;-

. Strictly follow the study material .Covr the entire 


minimum 3 tym .for this thorough reading is required. 

2 .Solve all the question in the study material 

3. Use the help of CD provided with Study Material. 

4. Solve past 4/5 years question paper .

5. Have faith in urself & god . B confident

This is more than enough to clear CPT

Best Wshs My Dear Frnds .

now  subject wise :) :-


If u have a good base of 11th nd 12th std then CPT Accounts wont bother u too much....just stick to the basics because most questions come from the most simple points which sometimes we ignore....again...Accounts is the main subject for a if u want to do well at higher levels of the course you should make your base from here i mentioned earlier also plz dont go for just multiple choice questions.....solve the most complex questions too nd dont ignore the theory part...


This is a new subject for you people...nd as i said CPT is the base...try to grab the concept because many questions in the exam wont be directly from the will have to apply your common sense nd u wil be able to answer correctly only if you have the correct concept in mind and trust me this will help a lot at IPCC level...


If you are thorough with 12th std eco...u wont have any problem in micro part...its easy but conceptual...dont try to learn it...just keep the concept and the answer will automatically come to your mind by just applying some common sense......u can keep the concept of graphs in mind and create your own answers...


Many students tend to leave these 50 marks totally bcoz they form an idea that they wont be able to solve it from the initial stage,,,plz dont do are leaving easy 20-30 marks on offer....

Basic idea of maths is very important to be a C.A.....thats why we see students from Science stream clear CA before the students from Commerce if u are leaving this subject completely u are digging ur own grave,....

In Maths nd Statistics u can easily fetch 20-30 marks coz many topics are very easy..just a sharp brain and basic knowledge of 10th level maths will be sufficient ......u can leave the complex things like calculus nd series if you are not good at maths,,(no need to solve the tough questions from the study material coz u wont get questions of that level from these topics)....last few chapters in statistics can be left if u are short of time...u wont lose more than 1-2 marks...


Macro part is complete theory nd u will have to learn it somehow...(ratta mar lo aur koi chara nahi hai..)...Its boring but 25 marks come from there....just learn it somehow....nothing can be done about it.....learn the dates even coz u get questions from there too...scanner will be very helpful....dont learn data of each and every year given..LEARN ONLY THE LATEST DATA AVAILABLE...

Lastly go for a scanner for all subjects (suchitra prakashan is the best)....u will get a fair idea of importance of each chapter in the exams....

the outcome of all your hard work depends on how well you utilise your 4 hours in the exam hall...please reach the exam hall on time and be equipped with all the required material...last minute hustle-bustle can have an adverse impact on your preparations....utilize each and every minute given to you...try to solve easy ones first...dont waste time if u are not able to solve any question...go ahead further nd come back to all questions you have left when you have finished the easy ones...this will give you confidence .....

PLEASE DONT TRY TO MATCH YOUR ANSWERS WITH YOUR NEIGHBOURS..its a crime nd if caught your dream of becoming a CA will be finished then and there...and even if you are not caught you might end up cancelling your correct answer and copying the wrong one from your neighbour...(EXAM HALL ME KOI KISI KA FRIEND NAHI HOTA..SO DONT TRUST ANYONE)...have confidence on calm...its a professional are bound to get trick focussed and dont get nervous....

These are my + a rank holders  views of what she made out of CPT…hope u people got some useful information...



Sunday, 26 August 2012


  • Be good to yourself.
    • Keep physically fit and rested.
  • Attitude is all-important.
    • Use positive affirmations: "I can pass American History."
    • Provide your own psychological edge, be it a positive attitude or a "lucky pen."
  • Be a chronic enthusiast!
  • Used textbooks may provide insights on a course.
  • Sit in the front row;
    • if you must sit toward the back of the room, lean forward.
    • Attentiveness and concentration increase markedly.
  • Don't miss the first and last minutes of class.
    • They are crucial — important announcements, questions on test, etc.
  • Use a variety of study techniques. 
    • a. Tape chapters (find out if your textbook has companion pod cast chapters). Listen on way to school, work. 
    • b. Use index cards for quick review.
    • Keep them simple. Throw your highlighter away!

    • Remember: frequent review takes facts from short-term memory to long-term memory — learning as opposed to cramming.

  • Study in short bursts.
    • (First and last facts are remembered best; therefore, it will accelerate learning.)
  • Review notes immediately after class.
    • Even for five minutes.
    • Something magical happens!
  • Review your notes out loud.
    • Read your chapters out loud.
  • Appearance raises grades.
    • Neatness counts.
    • Word processors are a plus.
    • If a handwritte assignment is acceptable, use erasable pen.
  • Don't waste time rereading.
    • Rely on "pen in hand" and SQ3R.
  • Test professors before they test you.
    • Ask questions about what kind of test to expect,
    • what material will be covered.
  • Become an expert test taker.
  • Go with initial hunches.
  • Stay with initial hunches. 
  • Study according to your biological clock.
    • Are you "normal," a night owl, or an early bird?
  • Eliminate stress in your life.
  • EXERCISE is the best antidote.
  • Make extra credit mandatory.
  • Never miss a class.
    • This is considered mandatory by "A" students.
  • Be prepared to bail out.
    • Don't be afraid to drop a course that is not working for you., BUT be aware of all official dates to withdraw and any vital state legislative restrictions ( Texas has a limit on total number of W hours.)
  • Volunteer to edit a friend's paper.
    • Use it as a learning experience.
  • Study smart—not hard!
  • Time management skills and discipline pay off.
  • Stay mentally, physically and spiritually fit. 

Saturday, 25 August 2012

all ICAI head office contact details at one place

var fulldate = ""; var months = new Array(13); months[1]="January"; months[2]="February"; months[3]="March"; months[4]="April"; months[5]="May"; months[6]="June"; months[7]="July"; months[8]="August"; months[9]="September"; months[10]="October"; months[11]="November"; months[12]="December"; var days=new Array(8); days[1]="Sunday"; days[2]="Monday"; days[3]="Tuesday"; days[4]="Wednesday"; days[5]="Thursday"; days[6]="Friday"; days[7]="Saturday"; var now = new Date(); var month = months[now.getMonth() + 1]; var day=days[now.getDay() + 1]; var date=now.getDate(); var year=now.getYear(); if (year > 100 && year <2000){ var current_year=now.getYear()-100; if(current_year<10) year = "20" + 0 + current_year; else year="20" + current_year; } else if (year== 100) year=2000; fulldate = date + " " + month + ", " + year; document.write ("" + fulldate); 13 March, 2010
Location     Department     Name     
OfficeDepartmentPlace of PostingNameDesignationTelephone noMobile noEmail idFax no
HEAD OFFICEPRESIDENTNEW DELHICA. AMARJIT CHOPRAPRESIDENT[+91] (11) 3011 0400[+91] 98101 00299president @[+91] (11) 30110580
HEAD OFFICEVICE - PRESIDENTNEW DELHICA. G RAMASWAMYVICE - PRESIDENT[+91] (11) 3011 0401[+91] 98430 15000, 93631 25300vicepresident @[+91] (11) 30110598
HEAD OFFICESECRETARYNEW DELHISHRI T KARTHIKEYANSECRETARY[+91] (11) 3011 0402[+91] 93507 99905secretary @, karthikeyan @[+91] (11) 30110581
HEAD OFFICESECRETARY'S OFFICENEW DELHISHRI CHATAR SINGHAssistant Secretary[+91] (11) 3011 0404[+91] 93505 71974pss @[+91] (11) 30110581
HEAD OFFICELegalNEW DELHIShri Bhaskar BhardwajDeputy Secretary[+91] (11) 3011 0586[+91] 93507 99937bhaskar.bhardwaj @[+91] (11) 3011 0586
HEAD OFFICEM & C - M & SSNEW DELHIShri V. SagarJoint Secretary[+91] (11) 3011 0535[+91] 93507 99921sagar @[+91] (11) 3011 0588
HEAD OFFICECorporate Laws CommitteeNEW DELHIShri Sanjay Kumar GargJoint Secretary[+91] (11) 3011 0471[+91] 93508 52388skgarg @[+91] (11) 3011 0586
HEAD OFFICELegalNEW DELHIDr. (Ms.) Bhavani SubramanyanJoint Director[+91] (11) 3011 0431[+91] 93507 99925bhavani @[+91] (11) 3011 0586
HEAD OFFICEESBNEW DELHIShri N. P. SinghSr.Joint Secretary[+91] (11) 3011 0422[+91] 93507 99917npsingh @[+91] (11) 3011 0586
HEAD OFFICEAccounting Standard BoardNEW DELHICA. Tapas DattaAdditional Director[+91] (11) 3011 0408[+91] 93105 42612tapas.datta @ 
HEAD OFFICEHRD (P)NEW DELHIShri K.C. SubramaniamDeputy Secretary[+91] (11) 3011 0545[+91] 93105 42604kcs @[+91] (11) 3011 0592
HEAD OFFICEPD DirectorateNEW DELHIShri Vijay KapurDirector[+91] (11) 3011 0536[+91] 93507 99908vijaykapur @,directoraasb @[+91] (11) 3011 0583
HEAD OFFICEDean ARF, Research Committee & Think Tank Grp.NEW DELHIDr. Avinash ChanderTechnical Director[+91] (11) 3011 0456, 3011 0427[+91] 93507 99903avinash @[+91] (11) 3011 0582
HEAD OFFICEHRD (A)NEW DELHIShri G. RanganathanDeputy Secretary[+91] (11) 3011 0470[+91] 93507 99933ranga @[+91] (11) 3011 0592
HEAD OFFICECMIINEW DELHIDr. T. ParamasivanDeputy Director[+91] (11) 3011 0491[+91] 93507 99934tparamasivan @[+91] (11) 3011 0583
HEAD OFFICECorporate LawsNEW DELHICorporate Laws [+91] (11) 3011 0461, 3011 0471 corporatelaws @[+91] (11) 3011 0586
HEAD OFFICEIT-EDPNEW DELHIShri Rajanikant VermaSenior Faculty[+91] (11) 3011 0473[+91] 93138 99028rajanikant @[+91] (11) 3011 0581
HEAD OFFICECouncil AffairsNEW DELHIShri Mahender KumarSr. Deputy Secretary[+91] (11) 3011 0409[+91] 93135 11451mahenderkumar @[+91] (11) 3011 0584
HEAD OFFICELegalNEW DELHIMs. Vibha GuptaSr. Deputy Secretary[+91] (11) 3011 0429[+91] 93135 11452vibhagupta @[+91] (11) 3011 0586
HEAD OFFICECouncil AffairsNEW DELHIShri C S RaviSr. Deputy Secretary[+91] (11) 3011 0543[+91] 93507 99942csravi @[+91] (11) 3011 0584
HEAD OFFICELegalNEW DELHIShri Neeraj SrivastavaSr. Deputy Secretary[+91] (11) 3011 0430[+91] 93507 99923neeraj @[+91] (11) 3011 0586
HEAD OFFICEDia. Jub., Think Tank Grp., Adv. Per. Plann. & IANEW DELHIShri. Rakesh SehgalAdditional Secretary[+91] (11) 3011 0485[+91] 93507 99913rakeshsehgal @[+91 ] (11) 3011 0591
HEAD OFFICEPeer Review Board & RBANEW DELHIMs. Seema GerotraDeputy Director[+91] (11) 3011 0469[+91] 93507 99939seemag @[+91] (11) 3011 0590
HEAD OFFICEMembers Students Services (M&C MSS)NEW DELHICondonation Related Enquiries [+91] (11) 3011 0426, 3011 0535 condonation @[+91] (11) 3011 0588
HEAD OFFICEPublic Relations Cell (PRC)NEW DELHIPublic Relations Cell (PRC) [+91] (11) 3011 0443 prc @[+91] (11) 3011 0591
HEAD OFFICEPersonnelNEW DELHIPersonnel [+91] (11) 3011 0488, 3011 0424 hrd @, recruitment @, grievance @[+91] (11) 3011 0592
HEAD OFFICEPeer ReviewNEW DELHIPeer Review [+91](11) 3011 0469, 460 peerreviewboard @[+91] (11) 3011 0590
HEAD OFFICEMembers Students Services (M&C MSS)NEW DELHIIssuance of Certificate of Good Standing [+91] (11) 3011 0426, 3011 0535 goodstanding @[+91] (11) 3011 0588
HEAD OFFICEMembers Students Services (M&C MSS)NEW DELHICABF [+91] (11) 3011 0426, 3011 0535 groupinsurance @[+91] (11) 3011 0588
HEAD OFFICEMembers Students Services (M&C MSS)NEW DELHIS Vaidyanath Aiyer Memorial Fund related Queries [+91] (11) 3011 0426, 3011 0535 svmf @[+91] (11) 3011 0588
HEAD OFFICEMembers Students Services (M&C MSS)NEW DELHIBenevolent Fund Related Queries [+91] (11) 3011 0426, 3011 0535 cabf @[+91] (11) 3011 0588
HEAD OFFICEMembers Students Services (M&C MSS)NEW DELHIFirm Name Approval [+91] (11) 3011 0426, 3011 0535 firmname @[+91] (11) 3011 0588
HEAD OFFICEMembers Students Services (M&C MSS)NEW DELHIMembers Certificate [+91] (11) 3011 0553, 3011 0426, 3011 0535 membercertificates @[+91] (11) 3011 0588
HEAD OFFICEMembers Students Services (M&C MSS)NEW DELHIMember ID Card [+91] (11) 3011 0553, 3011 0426, 3011 0535 memidcard @[+91] (11) 3011 0588
HEAD OFFICECommittee on Public FinanceNEW DELHIShri Shivam KumarSr. Deputy Secretary[+91](11) 3011 0425[+91] 93507 99922shivam @[+91] (11) 3011 0589
HEAD OFFICEMembers Students Services (M&C MSS)NEW DELHIArticle Assistant Related Enquiries [+91] (11) 3011 0426, 3011 0535 enqarticleassistant @[+91] (11) 3011 0588
HEAD OFFICEDisciplinaryNEW DELHICA. Vandana D. NagpalAdditional Secretary[+91](11) 3011 0436[+91] 93503 81189vandana @[+91 ] (11) 3011 0585
HEAD OFFICEMembers Students Services (M&C MSS)NEW DELHIM & C - MSS Department [+91] (11) 3011 0426, 3011 0535 mss @[+91] (11) 3011 0588
HEAD OFFICEMonitoring & Co-ordination -Members Students Services (M&C MSS)NEW DELHIGeneral Matters [+91] (11) 3011 0535, 3011 0426, 3011 0535 sagar @[+91] (11) 3011 0588
HEAD OFFICELibraryNEW DELHILibrary [+91] (11) 3011 0419, 30110 420 library @[+91] (11) 3011 0587
HEAD OFFICELegalNEW DELHILegal [+91] (11) 3011 0422, 3011 0429, 3011 0430, 3011 0431, 3011 0432 legal @[+91] (11) 3011 0586
HEAD OFFICEInternational AffairsNEW DELHIInternational Affairs [+91] (11) 3011 0485, 3011 0487, 3011 0448 ia @[+91] (11) 3011 0591
HEAD OFFICEInformation TechnologyNEW DELHIInformation Technology [+91] (11) 3011 0441, 3011 0416, 3011 0417 edp @[+91] (11) 3011 0581
HEAD OFFICEGeneral AdministrationNEW DELHIGeneral Administration [+91] (11) 3011 0470, 3011 0424 genadmn @, hrdadmin @[+91] (11) 3011 0592
HEAD OFFICEFinance & AccountsNEW DELHIFinance & Accounts [+91](11)3011 0412, 3011 0413, 3011 0414, 3011 0415 accounts @[+91] (11) 3011 0587
HEAD OFFICEDisciplinaryNEW DELHIDisciplinary [+91] (11) 3011 0434, 3011 0435, 3011 0436, 3011 0437, 3011 0446 disc @[+91] (11) 3011 0585
HEAD OFFICECouncil AffairsNEW DELHICouncil Affairs [+91] (11) 3011 0408, 3011 0409, 3011 0410 councilaffairs @[+91] (11) 3011 0584
HEAD OFFICERegional Branch Affairs (RBA)NEW DELHIRegional Branch Affairs (RBA) [+91] (11) 3011 0469, 460 rba @[+91] (11) 3011 0590
HEAD OFFICEMembers Students Services (M&C MSS)NEW DELHIPrincipal Related Enquiries [+91] (11) 3011 0426, 3011 0535 enqprincipal @[+91] (11) 3011 0588